Monthly Archives: March 2024

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora – Gorgeous game that is a lot of fun

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora – Gorgeous game that is a lot of fun

Good Ol’ Jay Zippo Streaming Avatar Frontiers of Pandora on Youtube!

So Epic had a sale on video games and I really did not want to buy anymore games. I have over 200 games between 3-4 platforms and that isn’t even including the free ones I got on Amazon. But I kept seeing the trailers and such on Reddit for some reason and decided to really look at it. Gorgeous game. I put it on my epic wishlist and moved on. A month or two later, I get an alert saying it was on sale and it was 40% off. I said funk that, and bought it. Slight regret but since I played it and streamed it, I think I will really like it over-all. Bottomline, just exploring the world is serious graphics porn. It works really well, mechanics are fun but regurgitated from Far Cry (which is fine) and it is a very playable game. Anyways…

Saturday and Sunday I both explored the World of Pandora and started in on quests and such. First one was character creator (which is a joke) and settling in. Sunday I went on a few more in-depth missions and just like Ubi-Soft / Far-Cry… the ideals for quest direction are seriously lacking. But other than that had a lot of fun with it. Will play next week for sure.

The NEW Anime Watch List For Me

The NEW Anime Watch List For Me

I have used the old one so many times to refer to things I have watched. So I am starting a new one since I now have Crunchy Roll. Though I really enjoy each and everyone. It is no lie that they blend together sometimes. This list should help me keep them separated. I have…Continue Reading