Saffron Firefly

The Outer Worlds Jay Zippo GameplayThe Outer Worlds gameplay with Saffron Firefly based off the character Saffron from the show Firefly.

This was short lived. To be honest this was a piss poor RPG, that was honestly pretty fun to play. But it has zero replay value IMO. So after a while, it was boring and uninteresting so we ended it.

If anyone ever watched the short lived TV show called Firefly, you will recognize the name Saffron (see gallery below). She was the rival to Captain Malcolm Reynolds. It seemed that she would find a way to marry a man, steal everything he owns and then disappear. Saffron is a master thief that almost gets away with a few heists under Captain Mel’s nose.

Since the game The Outer Worlds is based off of Firefly (and Futurama) I felt having Saffron as the lead only made sense. The characters on the Video game The Outer Worlds are difficult to see most of the time and your protagonist can only be seen in a menu or if you sit idle to long. Needless to say it does not make for great screen capturing. So I have a gallery of Christina Hendricks, who played Saffron on Firefly included on this page.

Here is the playlist for this gameplay series on Youtube.