Best of Piper

Fallout 4 modders have created some of the perfect backsides in the history of mankind

Best shot of Pipers buttYes yes. I know. I have a problem. I am not denying that.

I think I like this so much because it doesn’t hurt, offend or make anyone feel awkward. I can be the creeper and no one gets hurt. Except my reputation.

Hell, lol, my rep sucked anyways.

Many thanks go to the modders who created this for me in their own way. NGL I spent hours and hours perfecting how Piper and everyone looks. It’s important (Ahem Bethesda, might want to take note since you were snubbed from even being nominated as game of the year). Vtaw is the main reason, dude makes amazing things.

Currently I have stopped playing Starfield, and have returned to the land of Fallout 4 and Daisy Dukes.

Enjoy the beautiful piper-licious booba’s & booty! Plus her beautiful face.