Tag Archives: dogmeat

Dogmeat’s Folly, Opening Doors Like A Champ!

Dogmeat’s Folly, Opening Doors Like A Champ!

Dogmeat’s Folly for Fallout 4, The So-Long Season. Season 7, Episode 06

Synopsis: Still stuck with this Quinton guy, we travel to a place called beef town? I hope it isn’t what I think it is, because that would really stink. Bad pun I know. Exploring here and there, Dogmeat decides to use his paws to open a door and set off a trap. Good thing he is adorable.

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The Evolution Of Tara Dikoff

The Evolution Of Tara Dikoff

We go over the transition of Tara Dikoff including her face, hair, body and armor. We do the same for Piper. Then a montage of all the openings to the series. You can read more about her on her BIO page located HERE. It just goes over where she came from (russia) and why she…Continue Reading

Fallout 4 Gameplay – Gobble Gobble WANK!

Fallout 4 Gameplay – Gobble Gobble WANK!

Zippo plays on Thanksgiving. Tara starts out heading out to defend a settlement from a bunch of Raiders. It was a wild fire fight. The trio of Tara, Piper and Dogmeat eventually find their way to their destination, Taffington Boat House to clear out some oversized bugs. Poor Marge, she died horribly. We talk again…Continue Reading