Tag Archives: fallout 4

Recent Fallout 4 Thumbnails for Jay Zippos Youtube gaming

Recent Fallout 4 Thumbnails for Jay Zippos Youtube gaming

To see older ones, you can click HERE. (This will include Skyrim as well)

Below are the most recent that I will update once a week or so. I always love making the thumbnails, and for the most part they are looking pretty good. If you can get by the click bait LOL.

Life would be horrible without the titties and ass!

Learning about the Dutchman and the Blue Barrel

Learning about the Dutchman and the Blue Barrel

Tara and Piper finish clearing out mthe train station area. They then discover a few bodies, one being “The Dutchman”. There was a note mentioning a Blue Barrel, and that peeked Tara’s interest. Eventually they find the Barrel… and WHOOPIE! It was kind of a waste of time. #fallout4 #sexymods #fallout4mods #pokies #automatronContinue Reading