Tag Archives: Piper

It’s December 1st! Time To Ogle!

It’s December 1st! Time To Ogle!

She does look incredible hereYes. 6 hours in to December, November has now passed like bad gas from a rotten taco.

So what is the first thing I do? Oh nothing. Really, it was nothing. (innocent look commences) – I realize I have a problem, but (heheheh but) it is not hurting anyone, so I am embracing it.

If you do not know what I am talking about, instead of NNN (which failed the first day for me) I had “No Creep On Piper November.” I aced it, perfectly without a fleeting glance.

No, really I did. No Creep!

Time to enjoy December. Ahhhhhhhh…

The Evolution Of Tara Dikoff

The Evolution Of Tara Dikoff

We go over the transition of Tara Dikoff including her face, hair, body and armor. We do the same for Piper. Then a montage of all the openings to the series. You can read more about her on her BIO page located HERE. It just goes over where she came from (russia) and why she…Continue Reading