Tag Archives: Raiders

Dirty Lingerie On A Raider Not Always Good

Dirty Lingerie On A Raider Not Always Good

Fallout 4 S03 E022 Dirty Lingerie

We matriculate our way through the filth and dead bodies to set up Hangman’s Alley. Afterwards we talk to Meatloaf Gravy and get two new quests, one which leads us by Vault 81. The trio deals with, you guessed it… FOG! Lots and lots of FOG. I realize I creep on Piper way too much. Abernathy Farms was under attack when we get there and we kill all the Rust Devils that were there. We visit Vault 81 before heading out to Summerville place.

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Fallout 4 – Yum Yum Deviled Eggs

Fallout 4 – Yum Yum Deviled Eggs

We talk about the pitfalls of changing the looks of a NPC player, or changing the looks of Piper using console commands. It is irreversible. So be cautious if you want to change Pipers looks, search the Nexus if you want to safely change Pipers looks. The weather is horrible and thunder and lightning every…Continue Reading