Bound By Flame Let’s Play. FLOP!

Bound By Flame Let’s Play. FLOP!

Part 1 – Thrown To The Wolves – Bound By Flame Let’s Play

We start a new gameplay called Bound by Flame. It is a derpy glitch game that looked interesting enough to try out. Please like, share, comment on this episode, so it gets better rankings on Youtube. Thanks!

Synopsis: We start off creating our character, and we name her Ona Fire. Because… bound by flame, she would be On(a) Fire. Yeah lame I know. But the name actually fits the character well. The story starts out explaining where the gameplay starts, with the great undead Ice Lord. There are Scribes, Freeborn Blades, and some monks. You can watch to get all the details. We eventually start with Ona getting attacked by an Undead Scout. She defeats him and she heads back to camp where she talks with the Captain who is not pleased with her. She has to create explosive devices and she is aided by some guy named (ass) Peeler. Once the traps are set the Dead Walkers attack and Ona dies… a lot while we learn the combat system.