Dogstar Factory, Alpha, Beta, Eta and Zeta Temples

Dogstar Factory, Alpha, Beta, Eta and Zeta Temples

Starfield – Temple Alpha, Beta, Eta, Zeta, Ranger Duty, Earth strange cave and Dogstar Factory – We Be Streaming

What butts should look likeWas thinking of how I want the butts to look like, I mean what else do I have to do. I did a little recreation in the image here.

Saturday – Moved the main plotline along pretty good, because I want that Gravity push power. It saves your ass more times than not. We rescue some jamoke and raid an abandoned place.

Sunday – we finally get the power we were looking for, raided a place called Dogstar Robotics Factory and while visiting earth, found an odd cave that was living and had eggs?

Watch the video here or visit the channel, lots to watch!

#starfield #streaming