Eat Cheese – Don’t Crap

Eat Cheese – Don’t Crap

Eating Cheese Fixes All – Morrowind DLC Gameplay for ESO Pt.13

We continue with the Quest with the Living God Vivec. We talk to the Overseer Shiralas about getting the blessing stone that they need for the divination ritual. A tunnel collapsed during construction and no one, literally no one gave a f*ck. We save a few people and then grab the blessing stone. We head back to Archcanon Tarvus, who does not like us very much. Maybe because we have big boobs. So we set the blessing stone in the triangle and we start the Divination ritual… but something, someone stops the ritual before it gets too far. Vivec tasks us with a few quests and that leads us back to dick head Archcanon Tarvus. We have to investigate 3 different places about Vivec losing his power. We end by taking on two nix-ox.

#eso #gamedev #elderscrollsonline #mmo #morrowind #dlc