Fallout 4 Walk Across The Commonwealth in Slooty Outfits

Fallout 4 Walk Across The Commonwealth in Slooty Outfits

Well the title pretty much says it all. I decided to take a break from Hogwarts, and venture back into the world of Fallout 4. I went from Sanctuary to Spectacle island. Meaning I walked from one location to the other, with no quests in mind. Just exploration, causing some sh*t and looking like sloots.

Sunday we went from the Nakano Residence to the glowing sea. Again in slooty outfits. It was actually really fun.

Vtaw, my favorite FO4 modder came out with new outfits and they are really good. So I mix and match them.

Next weekend I plan on starting at the upper north part of the map and head south, then next from the middle west to the eastern part of the map.

Below is a quick gallery of the outfits and below that is the game plays. Enjoy!