Fearing One-Eye and we don’t mean a penis

Fearing One-Eye and we don’t mean a penis

THE FEAR OF ONE-EYE – Svana Titanborn S2 EP02 – Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay

Full Episode Synopsis: Svana gets a message from the Prophet to meet up with him. On our way there we stumble across a small town that revolved around a shipwreck. It is a town run by a Pirate called One-Eye. It took all my energy to keep the One-Eye jokes to a minimum. Svana talks to a Dunmer called Senil Fenrila who is in the stocks for trying to help out with exposing the Dominion. Svana heads into the ship and the tavern and starts a fight, this allows her to acquire a meeting with the Argonian leader One-Eye. We maneuver around this town finding out more about the Dominion presence and how they are using the pirates.

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