Grognak The Barbarian… Sexy Style

Grognak The Barbarian… Sexy Style

Fallout 4 S03 EP81 – Female Grognak the Barbarian

We finally get to the top of Hubris Comics to find a studio. We fight some ghouls… but Tara Dikoff threw a grenade behind the backdrop and maimed a Glowing Ghoul. She takes Shishkabob out and slices the disgusting ghoul up good. It’s pretty cool as we dick the dog (not literally) up there with a Grognak the Barbarian costume and the Silver Shroud. Let’s say when Tara tried on the costume, she failed to put underwear on. The next few minutes have us looking for the cool Grognak Axe. They find it in a show case on the bottom floor among the massive ghoul filth. We leave the confines of the Comic store and try out the Grognak Costume and the Axe on some Raiders.

#fallout4 #sexymods #fallout4mods #gamedev #automatron #dogmeat #comics