Huffing Jet, Fighting Ghouls, Daisy Dukes & Jump Scares

Huffing Jet, Fighting Ghouls, Daisy Dukes & Jump Scares

Huffing Your Lunch, Fallout 4 & The So-Long Season, S07, EP77

Get to the point.Butts.We fight a ton of ghouls at the depression hole thing in the middle of Boston. Then as we travel to our destination, we fight a bunch of Raiders. Wipe out Back Street Apparel, probably for the 5th time; where I get jump scared by a Raider. We find a awesome new gun, a modified M-16 called the Warlock. We review Starfield a little.

Please note: Not that anyone gives a rat’s behind, but I cancelled my #Adobe Premiere service because they continued to fail me at every level. Did not want to spend 25 bucks on a program that does not work right. I have one more in the can, that I will post in 2 weeks… hopefully by then I have learned enough of Resolve to continue on. But we will see.

Enjopy it, could be the last one. I do have one left to go… but after that? Who knows if it continues.