Jay Zippo Hits 1,000 Subs! (3,500 Subs Actually)

Jay Zippo Hits 1,000 Subs! (3,500 Subs Actually)

After 5+ years of hard work, thousands of hours of playing, editing and promoting, I finally broke 1,000 subs! I then, in a weeks time, tore threw 2,000 subs! Then in a few more days hit 3,000 subs!?

Brought on by my Succubus videos, my subscription count soared from 956 to 3,650 in a matter of 3-4 weeks. These videos were on Youtube for over 4 years, but once they started to attract attention, I knew it was only a matter of time. It was a risky maneuver considering Youtubes new regulations.

Last Saturday, Youtube informed me I had a channel strike and sure enough it was one of the Succubus videos. I then removed all 5 of the video series along with a few others that could of been construed as “sexual or nudity.” I felt the 2,700 subs was worth that risk. Since then, I only have gained 10 or so subscribers over the course of 2 days. About 5% of what I was getting on a daily basis.

But now my challenge is to find out what my new subscriber base is interested in. Who knows, they may like Tara Dikoff and Gordon Sleezman. I am looking for something more, since Half-Life 2 is not doing so well.

Thank you all who subscribed, and I hope my channel is something you will enjoy.