My Early Years

Way back in 2006 / 2007 I had the grandiose idea to start up a youtube channel consisting of game play of video games. No shit, I am dead serious. If I would of followed through with that, like I am now… I can’t say I would be massive but let’s say I would of had man many more subscribers. I do enjoy getting new subscribers, it is kind of an “atta-boy” for the video ego. But I gave up the idea of this channel having a massive following a long time ago. I do what I do, how I do it, and honestly, I am happy doing it.

The first time I REALLY wanted to do game play, is after watching a few TESIV “movie” videos. The mods for Oblivion were extensive, and the free floating camera was awesome. The mods I used included the “action” one were you could have your character (or a NPC) perform a certain task. This made the “movie” making much easier and the characters more alive. Shadow of Eden was the name I was going to use (Eden being the characters name – see video inset for a sample). I created a few videos using this, but between my limited video editing skill and just using Microsoft Movie Maker, I did not advance past the few I made.

Afterwards I had some animal, paranormal and odd ball videos that usually made no sense. I tested my ambition again with an attempt at a Youtube series with Juniper Brimstone and Thoraxe but could not keep my mind on it. I also did not have very good equipment at the time. Most of it was captured on a laptop using the built in microphone. I made a very ambitious video during this time that I am still fairly proud of. It resembles what I am doing now to an extent. I will have this link shortly, I have to sift through the 550+ videos on my channel.