Piper’s New Boob Popping, Tight Ass Outfit

Piper’s New Boob Popping, Tight Ass Outfit

We go over Pipers new outfit. Once we review that amazing outfit, we continue looking for buttercup horse toys. We listen to Caleb’s holotape. Eventually we find the stupid toy and then put it in the corral for The Giddyup Kid. Afterwards we decided to test out the new outfit to make sure there are no glitches like the Black Widow armor we tried for an EP or two. So we head out to Green Top Nursery to defend the settlement. We wipe out the raiders who were attacking. Instead of hightailing it back to Nuka World we investigate a remote alley way that has a door leading to Pickmans Gallery.

The mod can be found here:
VTAW Wardrobe on the Nexus