So You Want To Mod Skyrim?

So You Want To Mod Skyrim?

So you want to Mod Skyrim?

Let me just warn you ahead of time. To get it correct, and I mean really correct, it takes a lot of time and patience.

First off, you will have to download a few things to assure yourself of a successful experience. Believe me, this is non negotiable.

The first program is LOOT. This will arrange everything in the correct order, including mods, plug-ins and files. The second is TES5 Edit. Learn how to use this, it is very important. This will clean all the conflicted information that mods tend to create when installed. These will keep all your entries clean and working.
Sexy Skyrim Mods and CBBE Vivid WeatherThe next step is to load up the ENB, and you can follow the directions to install it. Very important you do this manually and exactly how it is directed.

Find a ENB preset on the Nexus. Make sure the version of the ENB is compatible with the preset. What I mean is that the PRESET (Like Vivid Weathers, Realvision ENB) is compatible with the version of the ENB. If you get the latest and greatest ENB, Realvision is NOT compatible with this. I know, I tried.

After you have the working in the game, go have fun. Load up a mod or two then run loot. Loot will let you know if something is having issues. Then you load up TES5 edit and clean it up. It will take extra time but in the long run, I went from crashing every 30 minutes to maybe crashing every 3 hours. That extra 1-2 hours will be well worth it.

Also test Skyrim everytime you load up a few mods. DO NOT load 10 mods and start Skyrim only to have it crash over and over. You will not know which of the mods are the issue and you will have to back track and uninstall and clean and… you get the picture.

If you follow these simple directions it will save you so much time. Believe ME! I tried to short cut this process and paid for it with 10+ extra hours of issues that could have been taken care of if I would of just followed the directions of so many modders.

Contact me if you have questions, I can point you in the direction… I hope.