Spanks the Monkey. Really, That’s His Name.

Spanks the Monkey. Really, That’s His Name.

Morrowind DLC Gameplay for ESO Pt.2 – Spanks the Monkey

Full Episode Synopsis: The Dwemer dog was not filling the need for the pet, so we switched to a monkey. We originally named the monkey Stink Tail… but that didn’t work… so Spanks it is. We talk to Canon LLevule about the task at hand; going into a Tomb over-run by Daedra and talk to his ancestor. We fight through the monsters in the Andrano Ancestral Tomb. Jynx is an archer for this part, but she will be reverting to dual wield in the upcoming EP’s. We make it to the summoning chamber to ask Vivec some questions. Not a lot of these made sense, but we make our way out of the tomb through the Hall of Remembrances. We talk again to Canon Llevule and he really wants us to head to Vivec City.

#eso #elderscrollsonline #mmo #morrowind #monkey