Summer Mode

The BeRuud Channel is in Summer Mode.

The new temporary schedule is below (blow… eheheheh). I just have to much to do over this summer. On a side note this summer has blown donkey balls in terms of weather. Like 85 degrees, no rain and higher humidity. I have accomplished roughly 25% of what I wanted to do. I start outside and just effing MELT. My clients are dragging out giving me the green light on projects and I have to… absolutely HAVE to have time to refresh the produce.

I am looking for mid to late September to jump out of this mode, depending on how quickly my clients get me the info I need to start in on web development and video editing. So for the time being, the new schedule is below. Wednesday and Thursday fluctuate depending… so if nothing Wednesday, then the video will go up Thursday.

  • Monday: Fallout 4 – Tara Dikoff
  • Tuesday: Skyrim – Ginger Snaps & Arissa
  • Wednesday: Fallout 4 – Tara Dikoff
  • If not Wed thenThursday: Fallout 4 – Tara Dikoff