Svana, the Mammal Licker

Svana, the Mammal Licker

MAMMAL LICKERS – Svana Titanborn S2 EP03 of Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay

Full Episode Synopsis: Svana continues in her investigation of the Dominion using pirates to bring in goods. One Eye wanted us to intimidate the Khajit Pirates, and after running all over the pace she starts to do that. In the meantime she is finding Dominion guards on the docks. In this episode we find out non Argonians are called Mammal Lickers. We are aimed at a secret hatch in a barn that harbors this renegade Khajiit called Tsanji that heads up the Renrijra Maor. The band of Khajiits run by S’Jash all turn tail and want to join up with Svana for fear of their life.

#eso #elderscrollsonline #mmo #titanborn #morrowind