That’s Gotta Hurt, Kicked In The Comberries

That’s Gotta Hurt, Kicked In The Comberries

Kicked In The Comberries – Svana Titanborn S2.5 EP49 Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay

Quest: Reclaiming Murkwood by setting the river on fire – part of Scales of Retribution.

Svana Titanborn and Totes McGoats are in Shadowfen and working with the Shadowscales. The final part of this long quest is to set the river on fire, which never sounds like a good idea. We fight our way through, grab the fire salts and happen upon a mini boss; a warrior called Velelya and Khasar-dro. After that epic sword fight we set four places for the fire to take hold. We talk to Silent Moss and she allows us to set the river on fire. We do and the Shadowscales take over and defeat the dominion. Pale-heart bestows the power of the Keystone on Svana, and then we go party with the moist scales.

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