The Tale of Two Dragons

The Tale of Two Dragons

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP75 – Tale of Two Dragons

We jump right into the action with two dragons attacking Ginger Snaps and Serana that bursts out of the Ice. Arissa is nowhere to be found. Ginger takes on one of the dragons called Naaslaarum and gives him the herps. Serana, surprisingly, takes on Voslaarum and puts him down all on her own. After that massive battle we go looking for Arissa and find her by a wayshrine. And is every episode we crash, but make light of it with women in lingerie dancing around. Afterwards we finish up with the Wayshrine of Sight, and dipping our Ewer in water to complete the quest. We head through the portal of Resolution. But we find Arissa in Darkfall Passage, then almost fall over a waterfall and even find time to creep on her.

#skyrim #elderscrolls #gamedev #skyrimmods #dawnguard #TESV #dragons