Two Mechanical Dragons F*ck Our Sh*t Up

Two Mechanical Dragons F*ck Our Sh*t Up

Skyrim Let’s Play S03 EP55 Assault on the Tower of Mzark

Full Episode Synopsis: The EP starts off in the middle of a huge battle against TWO Mechanical Dragons. It did not end well for Ginger. They head back and they encounter a weak flesh and blood dragon, and quickly dispatch it. The trio makes their way into the Dwemer dungeon called the Tower of Mzark, that will eventually lead into Blackreach. We find journals referring to Umana, Valie and some dead Kajhiits. They run into a construct called a Dwarven Sweeper? We still do not know exactly what that is. Eventually they do find a dead Khajiit called J’Darr. Dwemer ruins reminds us of the movie Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen. They dispatch a few Dwarven Workers as they continue to move through the ruins. Ginger scolds Arissa and Serana for yelling every time we attack something.

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