Fallout 4 Season 4 Prologue

Fallout 4 Season 4 Prologue

My biggest change is I am not speeding my voice up. This can change in the future because I haven’t decided if I’ll keep it that way. I upgraded the Video to 60fps as well.

This is to start up Season 4. We go over what we have done and also some rules I laid down.

  1. No extra armor. I can’t have any Arm, Leg or Chest Armor in addition to what I have.
  2. No gun or rifle can do 100 or more damage. They all have to be below that.
  3. Trying to Eat and Sleep once a day, this will help with Editing as I will try to sleep during the night.

We test out some weapons and wander a bit. Then we turn to Ivy Oakshield and a massive fire fight that is really fun to watch.

#fallout4 #sexymods #fallout4mods #gamedev #farharbor #dogmeat #netneutrality #letsplay