The Demise of Skinny Malone

The Demise of Skinny Malone

Fallout 4 S04 EP03 The Demise of Skinny Malone

Dogmeat is taking a few EP’s off as Piper and Tara Dikoff head into Vault 114 to rescue Nick Valentine. Vault 114’s story was that they brought in very rich people and then give them poor conditions to see how they react. We find Dino razzing Nicky and eventually kill him. We rescue Nick Valentine and head out, only to be confronted by Triggermen and eventually Skinny Malone himself. We decide to use a Machine Gun, why not, when in Rome. Skinny Malone and his new flame Carla decide to get nasty after some chit chat and Nick, Piper and Tara take him and his crew down. It’s a real poor take on West Side Story.

#fallout4 #sexymods #fallout4mods #gamedev #farharbor #dogmeat #gangster