November Gone! Creep Away! BOS Quests, Covenant Slaughter & Artillery!

November Gone! Creep Away! BOS Quests, Covenant Slaughter & Artillery!

Fallout 4 Modded with Daisy Dukes, Knight Astlin, Lost Patrol, Covenant Siege, Fringe & Eagle Cove, Covenant Move In, Setting up the Artillery.

Piper in a pipe, ha get it?BOOOOOM! Goes the dynamite or Artillery. I have to admit, for this being vanilla functionality it is damn cool. I am going to be trying it out more and more. If they can get it right, last time they screwed it up. (not me if you believe that)

Saturday Brotherhood of steal quest “Lost Patrol” Poor Rick Astley (Knight Astlin) and we take on the entire settlement of Covenant. Wish we didn’t have to murder them all but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Sunday we started our move in to Covenant. Then headed over reluctantly to Far Harbor and finish up some BOS quests. Plus we got some new Artillery for the Castle now, Minute Men quest. It is pretty damn cool.

All the while we got to creep* on Piper. The trading cards are below the video. Wee!

Trading Cards

*My disclaimer. Me creeping on Piper is well, creepy but I have fun with it and it doesn’t hurt anyone. If you have a problem with it, there is a thing called a mouse, use it close out the window you are watching the video on and move on.