Shenmue, Fail. Dave the Diver, Fun But Boring. Fallout 4 it is! Panties optional.

Shenmue, Fail. Dave the Diver, Fun But Boring. Fallout 4 it is! Panties optional.

Jay Zippo streams on Youtube, it was a messing Saturday but Sunday was great!

Piper naked, pre-stream screen shotI have been trying to diversify the games I have been playing. It was one of my New Years resolution. What were my resolutions?

1. Take better notes by using the hundreds of sheets of paper I have, not cramming them all on one sheet. (still good)
2. Quit spending dumb money. Meaning; I see some weird shirt I want, or some electronic thing I will probably never use or some off brand food I think I might like. QUIT BUYING THAT CRAP! (still good)
3. Play different games. I only have a little under 200 of them. (still good, I did try those two games)

So for Saturday, Shenmue and Dave the Diver it is. Or was. Shenmue, I can’t get by one part with this charlie guy. Dave the Diver is a great game but much to chill for streaming. It was boring. I ended it with a little visit back to the Warriors of Dibella, in Skyrim.

Yasmin doing her best Sharon StoneSunday was great. New outfits for the girls, Piper will never not wear daisy dukes but her top is awesome now. Ada went Asian on us and wore an odd dressy type thing, but she looked pregnant. New outfit next week, LOL. Yasmin took a risk and wore no panties in a important meeting with her son. Nothing like flashing the beav like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.

Some new trading cards too! (video under cards)