Streaming To The New Year, ESO & Shenmue.

Streaming To The New Year, ESO & Shenmue.

Streaming on Youtube on New Years with Todd. Elder Scrolls Online and Shenmue!

My new years outfit, sunflower chicken!After my 2 week hiatus I jumped back on to stream for the new years. It is tradition.

This will be the 4th year me and Todd have streamed ESO New Years Eve, and I hope to continue it indefinitely.

We started out earliy around 7:30 and we played Shenmue. I love and hate this game. It is fun and nastalgic, but man it is frustrating and the controls are like guiding a one legged blind kid through mud. Afterwards, me and Todd ventured into ESO and the Clockwork City. That was fun!

New Years day we continued with Shenmue, and we got to a place where we always e seem to stop… Charlie. We found the Sailors, fought them and now we have to find Charlie.

Not sure what we will be playing next week, if at all. I will post a schedule on Youtube and Facebook!