Nuclear Explosions, Pipers Bum and Youtube’s Broken Age Gate

Nuclear Explosions, Pipers Bum and Youtube’s Broken Age Gate

Stay Off Drugs – Fallout 4 The So-Long Season , Season 7, Episode 58

We take on another scribe mission for the BOS. We wander the wasteland getting to the destination. Kill some bugs, a few mutants and Robots with one of the best placed grenades.

Stay Off Drugs Youtube Video Thumbnail for Jay ZippoYoutube age-gated my video and did not tell me why. So I divided the video up in 4 (@4 minutes each). Then uploaded, waited for whatever to be age gated. It said the first 4 minutes. I divided the first part into 3 (@90 seconds each), and uploaded that, and waited for them to age gate whatever. Yeah, they age gated the last 90 seconds of the first 4 minutes. It was screen captures from a game I streamed 4-5 times on YOUTUBE, even had a normal vid about it, all NOT age gated! But screen caps was too much. To put the finishing cherry on top; there is about 40 seconds of footage of that game at the 17 minute mark of the that video and you guessed it, that was not age-gated. All saved in this playlist. Note the “third 80 seconds” and see what was age gated.

Read the Article I wrote about it here.

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