No streaming for at least this weekend

No streaming for at least this weekend

Been throwing this around a lot recently. I do love streaming, I really do. But as of late I just haven’t been feeling it. It doesn’t seem fair that my friends and family who log on and join me, watch me flounder around and not put as much as I should into it. They deserve…Continue Reading

Exploring the Institute, Fallon’s, Libertalia & Battle at Bunker Hill. Oh, and Ada’s Cake.

Exploring the Institute, Fallon’s, Libertalia & Battle at Bunker Hill. Oh, and Ada’s Cake.

Fallout 4 with mods – Institute baby! Libertalia & Fallon’s Department Store Plus Battle at Bunker Hill Getting frustrated with a few things with Fallout 4; that are mine alone. Not Bethesda’s issues. Might be time to move to another game for a bit? Saturday we continue to look around the Institution. Then we hang…Continue Reading

It’s December 1st! Time To Ogle!

It’s December 1st! Time To Ogle!

Yes. 6 hours in to December, November has now passed like bad gas from a rotten taco. So what is the first thing I do? Oh nothing. Really, it was nothing. (innocent look commences) – I realize I have a problem, but (heheheh but) it is not hurting anyone, so I am embracing it. If…Continue Reading